MILAN, 2 April 1950

T H E  P R O P O S A L  F O R  A  R E G U L A T I O N

S P A T I A L Movement


In 1946 LUCIO FONTANA, based in Buenos Aires, founds the SPATIAL MOVEMENT, signing along with a group of his supporters the first manifesto named MANIFESTO BLANCO, in Spanish. Returning to Italy, in April of 1947 Fontana invites the artists, literati and architects to start an exchange of ideas, during the reunions held in the studio aroh in Milan. Rogers, Peressuti and Belgioioso at the Galleria del Naviglio and in the studio of Giampiero Giani. In May of the same year the I Italian Manifesto is written and in March of the 1948 the second Italian Manifesto. On 5th of February 1949 Lucio Fontana organizes  for the first time in Italy and in the world a SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT WITH SPATIAL FORMS AND BLACK LIGHT ILLUMINATION, at the Galleria del Naviglio.

The proposal for a Regulation shall contain the following:

I°) It is recognized that Lucio Fontana is the initiator and founder of the Spatial Movement in the world.
2°) The Spatial Movement aims to reach an art form using new means that the technology offers to the artists.
3°) The Spatial Movement is joined by the artists and the literati who feel the evolution of means of art, needing to express themselves in a different way from the one used so far.
4°) The great revolution of the Spatials is the evolution of the means of art.
5°) Painters, sculptures, literati who join the Spatial Movement are called “Spatial Artists”.
6°) The Spatial Artists have access to the new means, such as the radio, the television, the black light, the radar and all that means that the human intelligence has yet to discover.
7°) The invention conceived by the Spatial Artist is projected in the SPACE.
8°) The Spatial Artist doesn’t impose a figurative theme to the spectator, but he puts him in a position of creating it himself through his fantasy and the received emotions.
9°) The humanity is forming a new conscience so there is no need to represent the man, the house or the nature, but to create the spatial sensations using its own fantasy.

signed by:

Milena Milani
Giampiero Giani
Beniamino Joppolo
Roberto Crippa
Carlo Cardazzo

The present proposal will be distributed to all the Spatial Artists who currently take part of the Movement.

III° Manifesto will be distributed only to the members of the Spatial group, under the name of “the proposal for the regulation for the Spatial Movement”. Milan, 1950.