Life in the gallery

The visual illiteracy of italians


The visual illiteracy of italians

“From elementary school, our children should immediately learn to ‘see’, to associate art, cinema, literature, and history.” Vincenzo Trione in Corriere della Sera, June 25, 2024

Since 2023, Studio Gariboldi has been offering the public and collectors a series of meetings and courses aimed at providing tools to approach artworks from different perspectives. In the gallery, on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings, once a month, original human creatures take turns for reflections and views on the world.

“One of the greatest challenges of this moment is finding an effective key to offer a more in-depth and comprehensive vision of the work of artists and the historical period in which they are situated. At the same time, to train the eye of those who visit my gallery. Whether they are students doing internships or the general public. To see, one must know how to look, and this is not taught in any school.” Giovanni Gariboldi in Italics, June 2024

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