Ben Vautier (Naples, 1935 – Nizza, 2024) is a French artist born to an Occitan-Irish mother and a Swiss-French father. His artistic training is self-taught, and his research developed under the influence of Marcel Duchamp and the Fluxus philosophy, which he joined in the 1960s alongside Bertolt Brecht, George Maciunas, and Robert Filliou. His work explores the concepts of identity, ego, and the relationship between art and life, themes that became central in his actions and performances.
Ben lived in various countries, including Turkey, Egypt, and Greece, before permanently settling in Nice in 1949. His art is influenced by Duchamp’s “ready-made,” and from the early 1960s, he began signing his works, viewing the signature itself as an act of creation and affirmation of the artist’s ego. For him, art is a constant exploration of the self and a means of transforming identity. His manifesto “Moi Ben je signe” (1960) is emblematic of his radical stance, which erases any separation between art and life.
His performances, such as those carried out in 1962 in the window of the One Gallery in London, declare the absence of art as art itself. In the early ’60s, Vautier began public actions, such as those on the streets of Nice and inside his shop, using writing as a visual language. His writing, characterized by a childish and spontaneous cursive, became his signature style. In 1967, his “Surprise” performance in Turin and his collaboration with other Fluxus artists, such as Mario Merz and Ugo Nespolo, brought him international recognition.
In the 1970s, after participating in events like Documenta, Vautier became involved in the “Figuration libre” movement and “Lettrism,” creating works that blend painting and writing to form a radical visual language. During these years, he also founded the journal La Différence (1978) and organized exhibitions, such as the one at the Centre Pompidou in 1977 dedicated to the Nice School.
His artistic research extended across various mediums, from “word-paintings” to installations, as well as radical performances. Among these, in 2005, he created the performance “Piccolo concerto fluxus per mangiare” (Small Fluxus Concert for Eating), an act that combined provocative actions and reflections on art and existence.
In 2007, Vautier participated in the Philosophy Festival in Modena, exploring the theme of “the knowledge of the ego.” The artist confronted the contradiction of his ego and his works, concluding that in order to change art and humanity, one must destroy one’s own ego. In 2010, he opened “Espace à débattre” in Nice, a space dedicated to discussion and experimentation.
Ben Vautier is considered one of the key figures in the 20th-century avant-garde movements. His works are housed in major public and private collections worldwide, and his influence has been decisive in the fields of performance art and conceptual practices.
Vautier always maintained an ironic and subversive attitude toward art and life. He is known for his belief that “everything is art,” and his reflection on the ego and identity remains one of the most fascinating aspects of his work. After his death, a mural was created in his honor in Nice, depicting the artist in his iconic style.

© Ben Vautier (1935)
“ENFIN!”, Galerie Lara Vincy, 6e, Paris, France
“Dossier 68: S.M.S. (Shit Must Stop)”, Galerie Loevenbruck,Paris, France
“Everything is wrong”, Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning, Denmark
“Weihnachtsausstellung: editionen, arbeiten auf papier und kleine überraschungen”, Galerie Lange & Pult, Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
“Best of Thalberg”, Galerie Thalberg, Zürich | Switzerland
“Surrealism: A Manifesto (1924-2024)”, Galerie Roger Bellemare, Montreal, Canada
“Nouvel Accrochage”, Strouk Gallery, Paris, France
BEN: Je (ne) suis (pas) éternel, Galerie Lara Vincy, Paris, France
If the Berlin Wind Blows My Flag. Art and Internationalism Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall,Berlin, Germany
Time: An Exploration Of Some Notions Of Time, Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland
If The Berlin Wind Blows My Flag: Art And Internationalism Before The Fall Of The Berlin Wall, Berlin , Germany
Fluxus Musik Zone West: From Beuys To Moorman, Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau , Germany
Kunsten Retro, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, Denmark
Ben, Galerie Lange & Pult, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Ben Vautier: Death Isn’t Real, MUAC, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico
Schema 50: Una galleria fra le neo-avanguardie (1972–1994), Centro Pecci, Prato | Italy
Una Galleria Fra Le Neo-avanguardie (1972–1994), Centro Pecci, Prato, Italy
The self-taught enigma, MAMC Saint-Étienne, Saint-priest-en-jarez, France
Ben Vautier: Sehnsucht, Cardi Gallery, London, UK
Swiss Sculpture since 1945, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
BEN: Life goes on.., Galerie Lara Vincy, Paris, France
God save the Records!, Immanence, Espace d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Summer Collection. New Collection Display, MAMAC Nice, France
Suspense au Windsor Hotel Windsor Nice
Art Paris, Galerie Lara Vincy “L’amour est magique”
La liberté n’existe pas Gal Maria Coccia, Rome
Galerie Rive Gauche Paris “il n’y a pas de rose sans épine”
Soyez réaliste demandez l’impossible Croix Baragnon, Toulouse
“De quoi avez vous peur ?” Espace Courant d’Art, Chevenez
“Art bores me” Gallery Vicky David NY
“Et après ça ?” Musée de Louviers, Louviers
“Achetez de l’or” Galerie Sanguine
Publications de Ben, Bibliothèque Poletti,MODENA Italie, Bertoni
Retrospective “Strip Tease intégral” Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon
“L’art est ce qu’il est” Galerie C. Issert ,Saint Paul de Vence
“L’art contemporain me fait rire” Galerie Lara Vincy, Paris
“Takes art as it comes” gal Shuppenhauer, Cologne
Ne paniquez pas” Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Bruxelles
J’ai encore quelque chose à dire” Galerie Les Tournesols St Etienne
“Ils se sont tous suicidés” Galerie Templon Paris
Foire du vêtement Barcelone Bonotto (vêtements écrits)
“La Baule privilège “Galerie Marcel Billy, La Baule
Alliances Française Exposition itinérante
“L’art est partout” Espace Villeglé, Saint Gratien
Espace Cézanne, Aix en Provence “les flanneries d’Aix”
“Gegen kunst” Galerie Schuppenhauer, koln
“Le provocateur” Galerie JZ Art Trading, Milan
“La vie de tous les jours” Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint paul
“Ben se mouille” Collection de Ben à L’ateler Soardi, Nice
“Quien es Ben ?” Retrospective Musee Vostel, Malpartida
“J’aime pas l’argent mais…” Banque UBS, Gene ( Gualco )
“Ben exagère” Consulat Suisse, Marseille
“Tutto e competizione” JZ art trading, Milano
“L’arte dei limiti” Galleria Il Ponte, Florence
“Je n’arrive pas à m’arrêter” Galerie Guy Pieters, Knokke
“Attention à l’indigestion culturelle” Galerie Lafayette, Nice
“Il sapere dell’ego” Provincia di Modèna (Italie)
“Tutto è ego” Studio d’Arte Fioretti, Bergamo
“Qu’est-ce que l’art ?” Galerie lara Vincy, Paris
“Mira me” Galerie Caja Negra, Madrid
“Io dubito sempre” Galerie Soav, Alessandria
“Les limites de la photo” Musée André Villers, Mougins
“Je me noie” Galerie Khan, Ile de Ré
“Le hazard est partout” Galerie Unimedia, Gènes
“Tout est poèsie” Périgueux
“Je suis nul en céramique” Musée de la poterie, Vallauris
Galerie Fontaine d’Elor, Mougins
“Les autres” Galerie Marlborough, Monaco
Espace Culturel Port Lympia, Nice
“Pas de peuple sans sa langue” Théâtre d’Apt
“L’art est mort vive l’art” Studio Marco Fioretti, Bergamo
“Bientôt on ne pourra plus arrêter la machine” Galerie Jean Brolly, Paris
“Aller au bout du bout à bout” Galerie Arkos, Clermont Fd
“La paix ou je crie” Maison de la culture Malakoff
Manif d’art, Québec (Canada)
Musée Chagall, Nice
“Je suis un sex maniac” Galerie Storme, Lille
A cent mètres du Centre du Monde, Perpignan
“J’ai rêvé” Musée d’art et de Provence, Grasse
“Que se passe-t-il ?” Galerie Bagheera, Saint Tropez
“Le monde change” Arsenal, Metz
Le biz’art baz’art de Ben, Mac, Lyon Bazart
“L’art mange l’art” Galerie Lara Vincy Fiac, Paris
“Voulez vous coucher avec moi?” Galerie Sanguine, Paris
Fiesta des Suds, Marseille
“La partie cachée de l’Iceberg” Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint paul
“Mon psy et moi” Galerie Charlotte Moser, Genève
“Je suis en guerre” Galerie Rive Gauche,strouk Paris
“Ben Arrête ton cinéma” Galerie Pop,Strouk Cannes
“Je n’ai pas d’oreille” Galerie du Théâtre, Beauvais
Ben biz’art bazart, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris
Ben’Biz’art Baz’art, Musée de l’Objet, Blois bazart
“J’ai quelque chose à dire” Galerie Alma, Montpellier
“Difficile d’être un autre” Centre d’Arts Plastiques, Saint Fons
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