An excerpt from
Compiled by Lucio Fontana on the occasion of the 1° International Conference on Proportion at the IX° Milan Triennale.
All the things arise from necessity and enhance the needs of their own moment in time…
… The discovery of the new physical forces, the dominance of the matter and space gradually impose to man conditions that have never existed in his previous history…
… The materialism established in all the consciences requires an art that is detached from the representation that in our days would constitute a farce…
… It is necessary to overcome the painting, the sculpture, the poetry…
… The impressionists sacrifice the drawing of the composition for the color-light. In Futurism some elements are eliminated, others lose their importance while depending on the sensation…
… Applauding the transformation of the man’s nature, we abandon the practice of the well-known art forms and we face the development of an art based on a unit of time and space…
… After several millenniums of the analytical artistic development there comes a time of the synthesis… We conceive this synthesis as the sum of physical elements: color, sound, movement, space, that integrate in an ideal and material unit…
… The architecture is volume, base, height, depth contained in the space, the ideal fourth dimension of the architecture is art. The sculpture is volume, base, height, depth. The painting is description. The reinforced concrete (the means) revolutionizes the styles and the statics of the modern architecture. Rhythms and volumes take over the decorative style. The statics, the freedom to build regardless of the laws of gravity… The Babel tower is an antique example of the man’s demand to dominate the space. The true conquest of the space made by man is the separation from Earth, from the skyline, that for millenniums was the basis of its aesthetics and proportions. This creates the fourth dimension, the volume is now really contained in all the dimensions of the space…