
The world of Suzuki Izumi


A lot is said about Suzuki Izumi, but we are interested in telling the story of the imagination and writing of a young Japanese woman. She will remain young forever, as she left the visible world too soon. But her youth is most evident in her writing, in the worlds she explores, and in the visions that sometimes precede our historical-social moment.

Encountering the stories collected in Noia Terminale, the first volume of a trilogy, is sometimes torment, other times a provocation, and at other times pure alienation.

This book matters to us because disturbance is the foundation of making art, and we’ve chosen to talk about her because she is the third Japanese woman, beyond any stereotype, who, along with Sadayakko and Aiko Miyawaki, forms a deep and original portrait of how women respond to the call of their vocation.

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