


Thursday 17 November h 18.30
Milan, Palazzo Cicogna
(Via San Damiano 2 and Corso Monforte 23)

On the occasion of the event Galleries at Palazzo, Studio Gariboldi presents The Balanced Artist in Limiti di equilibrio, a performance on a possible balance that each of us can achieve in every instant of life.
The artist Giorgio Cardazzo Catalani will move between his work, Amore e Paura, and a Mobile by Alexander Calder, in an attempt to give a  measure to a feeling and an emotion.

Installation view, Giorgio Cardazzo Catalani, The Balanced Artist, Studio Gariboldi, Milan

In Alexander Calder‘s work, the search for and achievement of a fragile formal balance is evident, in Giorgio Cardazzo Catalani‘s performance the focus is on the artist’s inner balance. The artist moves towards a point of arrival, facing obstacles without changing his destination, in “line” with his choices and expression.

Calder began his artistic revolution with the creation of suspended sculptures. These floating forms recreate the space around them, establishing a new balance between form and colour. In the 1930s and 1940s Calder dedicated his work to these installations with supports consisting of iron wires connecting small wooden or metal bodies, aimed at simulating miniature universes.
These works, which are articulated in the first series of Universes and Constellations, sanction the birth of mobiles.

Giorgio Cardazzo Catalani, Amore e Paura, 2003, wood, gold and silver, 100 x 2 x ∞

Love is the meter of our life, it determines our well-being.
Fear is another meter that follows us through life, it determines our well-being or our illness.
There is a continuous exchange between Love and Fear: the fear of loving and the fear of not receiving love.
Love in this work is represented by gold, turned upwards (above fear), thus towards the sky.
Fear on the other hand, represented by silver, is earthlier and more positioned downwards.
We are anchored to the earth, but our mind pushes upwards, towards the sky, in pursuit of knowledge, towards the whole.
In “Amore e Paura” the distance between one meter and the other is variable: in this case, at the gallery space, the distance between the two is 30 cm but can change. For example, the two meters can be placed in different places, paradoxically 1 meter could be in NYC and 1 meter in Sydney. By modifying the distance, therefore, the meaning changes, depending on how it is positioned.