May – July 2024


May 9th – July 26th 2024

Studio Gariboldi is pleased to present I Feel Good, an exhibition designed to showcase how icons of pop culture have influenced the works of around twenty prominent Italians and internationals artists.

The exhibition is an ideal invitation to embark on a journey starting from Al Hansen’s tram, Riverside Trolley, created in 1967. The American artist explores the boundary between art and everyday life, between the ephemeral and the enduring, aiming for a symbolically angelic Bostonian Riverside. The use of common materials and the desire to reveal beauty in simple things is also evident in Stefano Arienti’s 1986 Cone Turbine, previously exhibited at the MAXXI in Rome in 2004.
A smile is inevitable when a dancing figure by Keith Haring appears in a corner of any street, as in For Shawus from 1984, where orange and blue colors magnetically stand out on the canvas.
For literature enthusiasts, here’s what can happen on a night, as told by Dino Buzzati in Mai!; on the canvas, a woman rebels against the figure of the Man in Black, an unsettling male presence advancing behind her. Among the featured artists is also the writer Milena Milani, with a mirror reflecting only the words Sans rien voir (Seeing nothing), and alongside her, the German Mary Bauermeister, who incorporates themes related to nature, music, and the cosmos in her work, exploring the ongoing opposition between elements.
Among the exhibited works is Lucio Del Pezzo’s all-red painting, capable of creating three-dimensional elements, standing out in the panorama of “object painting” and satirizing consumer society. Reality and fantasy blend in an original way in the work of Aldo Mondino, teetering between ironic conceptualism and innovation in the use of painting techniques, challenging the conventions of European post-modernism.
The exhibition is enriched by the works of Claes Oldenburg, Key Hiraga, Katsumi Nakai, Nobuya Abe, Salvo, and Valerio Adami. I Feel Good is an experience of images and words that blend to tell stories capable of going beyond a simple two-dimensional reading.

I don’t think art is propaganda; rather, it should be something that liberates the soul, fosters imagination, and encourages people to move forward.

Keith Haring, Berlin, 1986. Fonte Sky Arte.