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Ricordati che la galleria è aperta dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 11 alle 13 e dalle 15 alle 19. E sempre su appuntamento.
Studio Gariboldi è felice di presentare la collettiva ABC+P
Nobuya Abe, James Brown, Mary Bauermeister, Alexander Calder, Rafael Canogar e Ray Parker.
Un percorso espositivo che parte dalla materia e il colore di Nobuya Abe e arriva alle opere astratte della pittura “di gesto” dell’artista americano Ray Parker.
Qui la biografia dell’artista spagnolo Rafael Canogar:
Vita in Galleria
WeArt Projects
Sono state a trovarci le appassionate d’Arte di WeArt Walks, un’esperienza organizzata da WeArt Projects.
WeArt Projects è un incubatore di progetti e iniziative non profit per l’arte fondato a Milano da Nicole Saikalis Bay.
La mission è di sviluppare idee, progettualità e pratiche per la promozione e la diffusione dell’arte contemporanea e del design e per la rigenerazione urbana, con finalità di mecenatismo per la cultura e di beneficenza in favore di progetti sociali ed educativi.
The gallery Enrico Gariboldi Arte Contemporanea, established in Largo Richini in Milan in 1981, was taken over after ten years by Giovanni Gariboldi, who transformed it in Studio Gariboldi inside of a small space in Corso Monforte 23.
Studio Gariboldi started its exhibition activity exploring the Informal Art and movements like Nuclear Art, Spatialism and Existential Realism. The constant work of the gallery, recognized and appreciated by art critics and collectors, led to the enlargement of the exposition spaces, always within the prestigious location of Palazzo Cicogna.
The gallery deepened the research on the International and European artists who were crucial and enlightening to the cutting-edge research of the Post-War period – from Lo Savio to Soto, from Leblanc to Gianni Colombo.
For Studio Gariboldi the concept of “Making Art” has always coincided with the idea of giving light to the artworks and artists. Therefore, the symbolic and real importance of having exhibition spaces that would be able to better interpret the personal dynamic of the gallery was always essential. Consequently, the idea became a real need to find a new location, where the natural light and the post-industrial atmosphere could highlight the essence of the Artist on display. In 2014 a new space was inaugurated in Via Ventura 5, with an exhibition dedicated to Salvatore Scarpitta. Light and space became the perfect setting for the next shows, like Antonio Calderara, Mary Bauermeister, Nobuya Abe, Mirko Basaldella, Ray Parker.
After more than fourty years from the foundation, Studio Gariboldi made another decision, to return to Corso Monforte, that has the potential for the setting of a new path for the gallery. The solo exhibitions that will show the work of the artists and give a historical perspective from the gallery’s point of view. The narration of an artistic dream in pieces, harmonious displayof the artworks that are sensuously different but voluntarily concordant. Different spaces set ad hoc, which are intimate and welcoming. The idea is to put the expert Collector at the center and to provide the new Collector with cardinal points to form a unique taste and start a coherent art collection.
This way we will have the opportunity to give all the attention, with respect and courtesy, to our visitors, combined with high sanitary standards, that will make a difference. Following the tradition, the gallery will focus on offering a high artistic quality artworks to a selected audience.
The new location of Studio Gariboldi is situated in the Milan city center and will put the collector on top priority. The renovation work, started in July 2021, allows to access all the spaces, specifically designed with cultural-artistic standpoint. All the rooms are aerated with a technologically advanced system and divided as needed for exposition or collectors requirements, a site-specific for every single collector of the gallery.
Therefore, to find a new location in historical building as Palazzo Cicogna in Corso Monforte 23 means to delineate the gallery’s work for the coming years, with a particular attention to the collector, a time and a space suitable to evaluate together the results of our Post-War art research activity.
Thirty years of activity in which everything was for the first time.
The gallery Enrico Gariboldi Arte Contemporanea, established in Largo Richini in Milan in 1981, was taken over after ten years by Giovanni Gariboldi, who transformed it in Studio Gariboldi inside of a small space in Corso Monforte 23.
Studio Gariboldi started its exhibition activity exploring the Informal Art and movements like Nuclear Art, Spatialism and Existential Realism. The constant work of the gallery, recognized and appreciated by art critics and collectors, led to the enlargement of the exposition spaces, always within the prestigious location of Palazzo Cicogna.
The gallery deepened the research on the International and European artists who were crucial and enlightening to the cutting-edge research of the Post-War period – from Lo Savio to Soto, from Leblanc to Gianni Colombo.
For Studio Gariboldi the concept of “Making Art” has always coincided with the idea of giving light to the artworks and artists. Therefore, the symbolic and real importance of having exhibition spaces that would be able to better interpret the personal dynamic of the gallery was always essential. Consequently, the idea became a real need to find a new location, where the natural light and the post-industrial atmosphere could highlight the essence of the Artist on display. In 2014 a new space was inaugurated in Via Ventura 5, with an exhibition dedicated to Salvatore Scarpitta. Light and space became the perfect setting for the next shows, like Antonio Calderara, Mary Bauermeister, Nobuya Abe, Mirko Basaldella, Ray Parker.
After more than fourty years from the foundation, Studio Gariboldi made another decision, to return to Corso Monforte, that has the potential for the setting of a new path for the gallery. The solo exhibitions that will show the work of the artists and give a historical perspective from the gallery’s point of view. The narration of an artistic dream in pieces, harmonious displayof the artworks that are sensuously different but voluntarily concordant. Different spaces set ad hoc, which are intimate and welcoming. The idea is to put the expert Collector at the center and to provide the new Collector with cardinal points to form a unique taste and start a coherent art collection.
This way we will have the opportunity to give all the attention, with respect and courtesy, to our visitors, combined with high sanitary standards, that will make a difference. Following the tradition, the gallery will focus on offering a high artistic quality artworks to a selected audience.
The new location of Studio Gariboldi is situated in the Milan city center and will put the collector on top priority. The renovation work, started in July 2021, allows to access all the spaces, specifically designed with cultural-artistic standpoint. All the rooms are aerated with a technologically advanced system and divided as needed for exposition or collectors requirements, a site-specific for every single collector of the gallery.
Therefore, to find a new location in historical building as Palazzo Cicogna in Corso Monforte 23 means to delineate the gallery’s work for the coming years, with a particular attention to the collector, a time and a space suitable to evaluate together the results of our Post-War art research activity.
Thirty years of activity in which everything was for the first time.